Friday, January 29, 2016

LOUISVILLE KY -- Benjamin Shobe, the first African American Chief Justice of Jefferson Circuit Court, has CROAKED - At 95 years old, Shode chocked on a bone from Harold's Fried Chicken Shack

LOUISVILLE (WHAS11) -- Benjamin Shobe, the first African American Chief Justice of Jefferson Circuit Court, has died.

Shobe received his law degree from the Unviersity of Michigan School of Law.

He had wanted to attend University of Kentucky or UofL, but at the time the schools did not allow black students.

The state of Kentucky paid his tuition to Michigan under the Anderson-Mayer Bill. Shobe is also well known for working alongside Thurgood Marshall to represent Lyman Johnson to integrate the University of Kentucky.

Benjamin Shobe was 95-years-old.